Thursday, December 26, 2013

Step outside

"Surely the Lord is in this place and I was not aware." (Gen 28:16)

There are times in our lives when it feels like all we see, hear, and feel are darkness, hurt, pain, anger, resentment, struggle, fear, and this can go on and on. Maybe it feels like God is so far away from you right now, you are lost and falling deeper into the darkness of whatever is drowning the life out of you. I, myself, have been in that terrible darkness; desperate struggle, and it is so lonely, scary, and depressing.

It is times like these, periods of not feeling the presence of God in our lives,that one word can sum up, and it is a harsh word: Selfishness. Yes, when we are not feeling the presence of God it means that we are so focus internally on ourselves and our struggles that we've blocked Him from our lives. We've spiraled ourselves into a hole of self pity, self destruction, self loathing; selfishness. I know some of you will think that there is no way that you are selfish, but if you aren't experiencing the presence of God then it means that you are focused on you and your life and the way that you want to feel. The truth can hurt sometimes, but like the Lord says, " will set you free."

Now is where we have to do something different, something bold, something that requires 100% faith ~ we need to take a huge step outside of ourselves.  I know some of us are hurting in ways that do not compare to most, but that's when faith counts the most, and where we need to  declare the Word of God in our life and let Jesus us with His spirit. One thing that is certain: God is always here ~ ALWAYS; He NEVER leaves us nor forsakes us!!

Step outside of yourself, even for a brief moment, and expose yourself to the God's Light, your surroundings, your memories, conversations, your heart and take a few seconds to become vulnerable. God is there. Talk to Him, ask Him, seek Him, feel Him, and know that the more you begin to look for Him again, the more powerful His Light will come in and lift you, giving you a renewed inner spark that will thrust you right out of the deep hole you've fallen into.

Oh how God loves loves loves you!! He loves each and every one of us. It's just that periods in our lives we can let ourselves get so used to darkness that we lose sight of Him. But, with tiny steps of faith and determination, (and if you allow Him), His Light will fulfill you like never ever before!!

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