Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Stay where you are.

"...Stay in this land for a while, and I will be with you and will bless you." (Gen 26:3)

As I'm sure with most of us, there are days in my life when my 'to-do' list feels like three pages long. Things like: doctor appointments; scheduling car service; running errands for family; doing this, doing that; and the list can go on and on.  Oh, and that list doesn't include our regular daily activities that need to be done as well. Whew...it gets overwhelming sometimes, huh!?!

I believe that the devil himself will come in and taunt us during periods of stressful times.  He tries to wear us down, and I know he's gotten the best of me a time or two. I am guilty of trying to make personal changes when my world around me is on overload as it is.  As you know, personal changes mean getting out of our comfort zones. So, not only do I have an overloaded list of to-do's, now I have the anxieties about being out of my comfort zone -- yikes.  These have been the times in my life when fear, anxiety, control, hurts, anger, pain, and the like start ruling my life.  I begin to take a journey on on out-of-control emotional roller coaster.

It's taken years for me to learn, but the Lord has made something perfectly clear: it is most important to not do any personal-type changes during hectic times.  Things like: trying a new diet, joining a new book club, volunteering at the church five days a week, joining a new gym, finding a new job,  etc., etc. When the world around us becomes so busy, we need to stabilize ourselves; keep doing what we are comfortable, familiar with; nothing new, nothing exciting, nothing drastic - just remain. God will make sure that personal changes happen in His timing, and if we wait on Him the changes will be simple for us to make, not stressful.

If you life seems out of control right now then make sure to stand firmly on the foundation of the Lord, and to, "...stay in this land [your normal routing], for a while, and [God} will be with you and [He] will bless you."

God Bless everyone!!!!

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