Sunday, December 15, 2013

God specifically designed you to be YOU, so lift your chin and SHINE in His amazing image.

"God created mankind in His own image, int he image of God." (Gen 1:27)

Are there issues that seem so frustrating in your life, yet you continually try to do them? Things such as: dressing a certain way to fit in; eating certain foods to be thin; working out vigoriously to burn a few extra calories you ate the night before;  trying to impress someone who truly has no interest in you, but only what they will get out of you; etc., etc. Take a few minutes to ask yourself this question. What are your answers?

I believe that the answers to questions like these are all because we have come to personally believe that we lack the qualities that we think we should have to be like other people, or what someone may want you to be, or what you want you to be. It is our own rules and guidelines that have made us think we lack something (or a bunch of somethings). Well, maybe it is time to look at our, so-called, flaws as something completely different. Maybe it is time to look at our, so-called, lack or inadequacies as features and gifts made to be used for God's glory. God does not create lacking, inadequate, frustrated, or hurting people ~ NO, God creates perfection.

It is time to stop trying to change who we are.  It is time to embrace ourselves exactly as we are.  God doesn't want us living life changing what He made, because when we do we only end up in constant darkness. So, stand up and declare who you are in Christ.  Receive His healing and begin anew.  It is a new day, a new dawn, a new chapter. 

And on one final, glorious thought to focus on is, when you begin to embrace yourself, and your so-callled flaws then, ...

"...[God's] light will break forth like the dawn and your healing shall spring up speedily, your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard." (Isaiah 58:8)



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