Friday, December 20, 2013

God is all you need!

“Is anything too hard for the Lord?” (Gen 18:14).

Do you ever find days where all you can do is focus on finding a solution for something ailing you and your sick of putting up with it? As the day progresses you begin to get tunnel vision looking for ways to fix it, heal it, get rid of it, etc., etc.  By days end you are cross-eyed from finding remedies from the computer, the phone, people, yourself, and/or anything and everything in between.  I guess what I’m trying to ask is, are there days when you turn your thoughts and attention on 'you' and how 'you' are going to fix it?  Well, there are days when I do that too, although not near as many as I used too (praise God), and sadly it becomes precious time wasted.  There is only one word that pinpoints these kind of days: selfishness, (concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself :  seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being); idolotry. All we are doing is letting God know that we think we can figure it out quicker, and better, than He can.

It is time to realize that there is only ONE who can heal us, Jesus Christ. There is too much life to be lived to spend any of it wasted selfishly.  Living selfishly isn't living at all. Instead of running to outside sources to fix our ailments, let’s start running to the only ONE that can; let’s start running to God.  

We all want to be fixed, to be cured, to receive a miracle, but only God has the final say on it. When we wake up in ‘tunnel vision’ mode, let’s do something different, let's say 'NO!' to ourselves and yes to God Almighty.  He is the one that will lead us to the right people, the right info, the right source; He will show us the way to healing, health, miracles, and everlasting life.  Give your ailments all to the Lord, let Him work it out for your good.

Stay focused on Christ and live the amazing life that He has specifically designed just for YOU :-)...YES, YOU YOU YOU!!!

God Bless

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