Friday, December 27, 2013

God will always remember your prayers.

"Then God remembered Rachel and remembered her pleading and made it possible..." (Gen 30:22)

When I first read this verse this morning, my first thought was, "Oh my goodness, does this mean that God forgets us sometimes?". My heart dropped, and it made me question the Lord.  I felt a sense of disappointment and hurt and I wanted Him to explain to me what this verse meant, and if I was interpreting right.  Let me ask, when you read this verse what is your first thought?  After a few moments of asking Him and praying about it, He explained it to me, and this is what He spoke to my heart:
 "I will never ever forget you, your prayers, nor your hopes and dreams. No, I never forget, Jen. Sadly though, you do.  It is you who prays, prays, and prays until you get tired of waiting on Me and My timing ~ that is when you try to take matters into your own hands. You find ways to make it happen faster, putting Me further and further into the back corner of your mind.  Eventually though, you wear yourself down and realize your plan isn't working at all. You figure that your prayer is not My will and you bury it deep within you.  Finally, when you surrender, when you return your life back over to me, is when I can begin to work miracles into your life again. I take your buried dreams and prayers and ignite the life back into them, which, in turn, ignites My Spirit, My Life, within you ever so brightly.  I love you, Jen, and I will never, no not ever, forget you.  I promise!"

WOW! How wrong I was when I first read this verse!! I was thinking with my selfish mind, but once I got over myself, I gave it over to the Lord knowing that He would explain it  to me. Boy did He ever!! Praise Him.

Everyone, God loves us so much.  He will never leave us nor forsake us nor forget us.  He never forgets ~ EVER!  It is our own doing that causes us to shove prayers and dreams for our lives into a dark dark dark corner because we give up on waiting for the Lord.  Our prayers, hopes, and dreams will come to pass if we just keep our faith in Jesus.  Yes, it may take so much longer than we would like, but it will happen and when it does it will be one of our most miraculous adventures ever!!!!  I promise.  

NEVER, ever, think that God has forgotten you, He never will.  Maybe you think He has because you are in such a place of hurt, pain, bondage, darkness, etc., but like yesterdays posting says, we need to step outside of ourselves sometimes. 

Today, again, step outside of yourself, continue to pray without ceasing, and let God re-ignite His LIFE and LOVE deep within you ~ He will do it if you let Him.
God Bless!

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