Saturday, December 21, 2013

Looking back is not an option.

"But Lot's wife looked back and she became a pillar of salt." (Gen 19:26)

There comes a point in life where turning back isn't an option. If you do, then you are choosing to stay in bondage, stay in darkness, miss out on the blessed life that the Good Lord wants to give you. 

Over eight years ago I had to finally make one of two choices: choosing God; or choosing to stay in the deep, (very deep), dark hole that I had let myself fall into.  I was in so much bondage; filled with fear, anger, hurt, loss of control, loneliness, and a harsh sense of rejection (especially from myself).  Well, I decided to take a hold of God's hand and I have never let go. Every day I hold on tighter and tighter.  Boy how much life has changed, getting more amazing everyday.  I am so blessed.  A part of me shivers when I think of the other choice I could of made as I would not be here today; I would not be here to enjoy my amazing life.  I have been renewed, and everyday I become closer and closer to the perfect will of God's.  

Moving forward is scary, it takes guts to break out of whatever is holding you back, but it is time for a decision: move forward, breaking free from all that pulls us down; or stay behind and miss the fulness of LIFE that the Lord has planned for you.  Unfortunately, there is no middle ground, and no baggage is aloud to go with you.

Let's all choose GOD today (not tomorrow, or next week, but TODAY), right this second. Yes, it's one step at a time, but soon you will look back and be amazed.  Every step forward needs to be counted as a miracle, because it is! Eventually your past will turn into an amazing story for someone in darkness; your story will become someones HOPE.  

So, grab your favorite pair of walking shoes, put your sun glasses on, and take hold of God's hand. Nope, there is nothing behind you that you need to grab because God will make sure you have everything you need and then some!  

Start walking my friend, an amazing life is waiting just for YOU!

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