Sunday, December 8, 2013

Pant size or GOD SIZE?

"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think..."
 King James Bible "Authorized Version", Cambridge Edition

The good Lord gave me this verse this morning.  Isn't it so funny how we let the way our clothes fit determine the rest of our day?  LOL.  I am getting the biggest kick out of myself right now.  I used to let the way my jeans fit determine my whole thought process for the day: my clothes determined my thoughts.! Sometimes, I find myself still doing it, but it is so rare that I had actually forgotten until my prayer time with God.  WOW!  You would not believe how far I have really come!  Praise God...He is changing me in ways that I never thought possible.

I know that those in the darkest part of their afflictions are having a terrible time. I also know that it seems to be UN-imaginable that it is possible to be free from these afflictions.  But, I am a living testimony of how God, prayer, His Word, and more prayer can change us.  Yes, slowly, sometimes very, very slowly, but He will do it.  I believe us so-called, slower, learners only come out stronger than ones who are cured overnight. 

If you happen to be one of the SLOWER-type learners, like myself, please know that God has so many plans for you.  If I can offer any advice: when I truly started changing was when I started taking the baby steps of actually doing what the good Lord was telling me to do.  I look back and I can see some things so clearly.  With over 30 years of struggling under my belt, I know how dark it seems! BUT, freedom from these afflictions are possible. God is our freedom.  Yes, I still have some dark days, but they are no match for God anymore.  They affect me very little, and that in itself is a MIRACLE (and I do mean, miracle!).

You are full of so much strength. I know you may not feel it sometimes (or ever) but it is there. God has such special plans for you.  Lift your chin, open your heart just a little bit more, and take a step toward Him today.  One step, that's all.  Maybe tomorrow it will be two steps, but if it isn't than the two steps will soon come.  I'm taking at least 3 a day now (LOL)---WOW :-).  Let's do this together and be life changers for someone else.  I love you all!




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