Friday, March 31, 2017

He will never leave you

"... for even though I sent them off into exile, I will gather them back to their own land, leave not one soul behind... I'll no longer turn away... Decree of God, the Master."  Ezekiel 39:25-29 MSG

Whether you believe it or not, God is with you always.  He will never again leave you or forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6).  So whatever you are going through now, no matter how alone you feel, God is with you fully.  And know this: all of God's children hurts, trials, and tribulations turn out for His glory - no ifs, ands, or buts about it!!  Keep the faith - Trust God.

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Thursday, March 30, 2017

The Breath of life

"... Dry bones, listen to the message of God!... I'm bringing the breath of life to you and you'll come to life... you'll come alive... you'll live..." Jeremiah 37:4-14 MSG

Tired, worn down, frustrated, feel like giving up?  Good!  Because  now is the perfect time to let go and let God take over your life.  Give it all to him so he can breath new life into you.  It's time for you to experience what it's like to live, to truly live; it's time for you to experience and see life for what and WHO it really is - Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The moment you ask God

The moment you ask God to come into your heart, forgive you your sins and cleanse you of all unrighteousness, here’s what happens:

“… I’ll pour water over you and scrub you clean.  I’ll give you a new heart, put a new spirit in you.  I’ll remove the stone heart from your body and replace it with a heart that’s God-willed, not self-willed… you’ll be my people! I’ll be your God!” (Jeremiah 36:24-28 MSG)

God is so good and he loves you so much. 
Receive him as your Lord and Savior; it’s time for you to live the shining life that the is going to give you;
you are free, you are forgiven, you are loved! 
God bless!

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

"God, the Master says: From now on, I myself am the shepherd... I'll rescue them... I'll bring them back... I'll feed them... I'll lead them into lush pasture... I myself will make sure they get plenty of rest... I'll doctor the injured, I'll build upon the weak ones and oversee the strong ones so they're not exploited... I'll come in and save my dear flock... I'll send down plenty of rain in season - showers of blessing!..." Jeremiah 34:11-16, 25-27 MSG

God loves you so much!  No matter whether you're lost, alone, afraid, or, living a very blessed and grace-filled life, God has you in the palm if his hand.  Therefore, for those that haven't yet, surrender to him and let him change your lives; to those that have, stay surrendered to him so that your lives are more blessed every new day!!

We are his children ~ He is our God!!

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Dig your heals in and trust God

"... He says, 'If you are ready to stick it out in this land, I will build you up not and drag you down.  I will plant you and not pull you up like a weed... your fears are for nothing.   I'm on your side, ready to save and deliver you..." Jer 40:9-12 MSG

Before you ever get to where you are dreaming to be, you will have to learn to dig your heels in and be content right where you are at.  So, cast your cares on God - He is going to get you to where you want to be... trust!

And, one more note: The grass is not greener on the other side when you are running yourself ragged to attain it on your own.  However, when you trust God, not only will you come across that greener grass, you will find that the getting there was the most blessed part of it all.

Monday, March 27, 2017

A righteous and just life

God's word says that when we repent from our sins and start living, "a righteous and just life - being generous to the down and out, restoring what we have stolen, cultivating life-nourishing ways that don't hurt others -...", we will live! (Jer. 33:14-16 MSG).  So, figure out how you are living right now, change your ways if you must, and live a true life, living all your days out enjoying this amazing life that God has given you.

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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Each new day

"And then I'll stir up fresh hope in Israel - the dawn of deliverance! - and I'll give you, Ezekiel, bold and confident words to speak..." Ezekiel 29:21 MSG

Although yesterday didn't go as planned, it is now in the past.  Today is a new day, and thanks be to God, our Lord, we are filled with fresh new hope, and fresh, new, confident, words to speak.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Guarding your heart

Guard your heart 

Time for a little personal inventory. What is your passion? What are you chasing? What are you thinking about just before you fall asleep? What is your most valuable possession? What would you dread most to lose? What do you have the burn for? 

You probably have quite a bit of sales resistance. You need to or you would go crazy in our materialistic and marketing-mad world. You know not to believe the pitch for every product and service that comes at you. 

Realize that Satan is going to look for any opening or crack in your armor to push or pull you away from Christ. Use your sales resistance on Satan. “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life” (Proverbs 4:23). Learn to distinguish his tempting voice. See his promises as lies; see his threats as empty; see his pleasures as what they really are--bribes to induce you to commit spiritual suicide. 

Guard your heart by filling it with the gospel. Claim and celebrate and prize God’s unconditional love. Think often of Christ’s full and free forgiveness of your sins. Fuel up with the Spirit’s fire. When the wellspring of your heart is healthy, all your relationships and possessions will be in the right place. More God, less Satan.

I'm reading the @YouVersion plan 'With God's Help: Devotions from Time of Grace'. Check it out here:

Friday, March 24, 2017

Sin can eat the life right out of a person

“… But your sins will eat away at you from within…” Ezekiel 24:22-24


Repent and release your sins over to God; life is too short to let sin control you and eat the life right out of you.  So, be free, be redeemed – how?  Stop sinning!  From there let God take over, cleanse you with his compassion and fill you with his healing power; let the bondage that has confined you for so long be released and let the new life that Christ wants to give you fill your mind, body and soul.


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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Face sin head on

“… Face her with all her outrageous obscenities…” Ezekiel 22:1


You are Christ’s warrior - face sin head on!  Whether it mean standing up to someone else or standing up against your own, confront it and get it out into the light.  No, it isn’t always easy to do, but as God’s warrior-child, it’s something that God will give you the strength and courage to do if you will just be so bold as to put that first foot forward in an act to stand up against it.


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