Sunday, April 19, 2015

An enemy of God gets to experience the wrath of God!

"...The Lord takes vengeance on His adversaries and reserves wrath for His enemies." Nahum 1:2

So often we hear believers in God saying something like, "Boy, I don't know what I did, but God is mad at me", or, "I don't know why God is letting this happen to me.". To me, sayings like this are a way for one to get attention, or an excuse not to acknowledge their sinful actions, or to justify one to feel sorry for themselves.  However, a lot of what is happening to God's children are the consequences of their own actions, and self-pity is not going to get anyone very far.  If a child of God is going to knowingly do wrong, then, there will be consequences to pay!  Yes, He will be quick to forgive, and continually love His children, but He's not going to let them go on doing wrong.  Without consequences, many wouldn't run to God, many wouldn't know how to say sorry, many wouldn't change their hurtful ways, and many, wouldn't take the time to acknowledge God at all.

Now, as for those that won't believe in our good Lord, they are the ones who should be saying, "Boy, it is true what believers say, the Lord does take vengeance on His enemies; I'm in the midst of suffering His wrath right now!". Hence, as believers in Christ, you are free from the wrath of God, less you choose not to be.  However, you have to face some consequences, (not vengeance), as without them, you won't be able to grow in Christ.

So, stop thinking God is mad at you and stop feeling sorry for yourself!  Get off of your pity pot, stop saying things to bring yourself attention. Start acknowledging your faults, sins, and hurtful ways.  Then, ask God to help you change them; ask Him to turn your bad qualities into blessed qualities, and do what needs to be done to get your life in order (asking Him to direct every step you take, of  course). 

God's wrath and vengeance are for His enemies, not for you. He is not mad at you, and He will never, ever stop loving you.  He loves you way too much and He wants to do whatever it takes to keep you on the right path. You are a special child of His, so act like it.  His children are NOT called to be weak, pathetic, and living in self-pity, fear, or pain.  No, His children are conquerors, warriors, fighters, winners, and full of power and might.  So, grasp God's correction, do what is necessary to change, and let the blessings of new beginnings begin to take place in your life.  It will happen, my friend!  Just keep believing, keep watching, and keep continual focus on God ~ you are going to be amazed at what He does for you!!

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