Sunday, March 9, 2014

His way is the only way if you want greatness in your life.

"If you listen diligently to the voice of the Lord...being watchfull to do all of His commands...the Lord will..."
...set you high above nations; bless you going in and bless you going out; bless the fruits of your body, your home, land, and your animals; bless you in the city and in the field; curse your enemies - they may attack you one way, but they will flee from you seven ways; bless your harvests (money, food)...all you labor to obtain;  establish you as holy, special to Him; make it known that your are called by Him, making others fear you; make sure that you always have more than enough and be privy to His own treasury; give you enough to be the lender to many and a borrower to none; set you high above, not beneath, and give you the power to lead, not follow...
YES!! These are the things that God will (that's WILL - not, might, maybe, could happen! No, my friend, HE WILL) give you IF you follow all of His ways, His voice ~ HIM.

You have the choice to follow God, or not, but you just need to pick one and jump in with both feet!  I suggest following Him, as anybody, or anything less only leads to death.

Be blessed.  Be amazing. 

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