Wednesday, May 6, 2015


"... no oppressor, or demanding collector shall again overrun them, for now My eyes are upon them... even today do I declare that I will restore double your former prosperity to you." Zechariah 9: 8, 12

Maybe in your past you have lost everything, or survived traumatic and hurtful events, or made big mistakes, or fell away from God, or, even, had no part of God, and now you are afraid to try again.  I'm at that point right now! Believe me, I know it can be scary to try again for something that didn't work before, (marriage, job, your own business, a new home, any type of life-altering decision, etc.), especially if you are at a place where you feel comfy, confident, secure, and can see the light before you.  However, God is a God of amazing second chances, third chances, fourth chances...a million chances, so settling where we are out of fear is not an option - we aren't called to just live a mundane life because it feels good, we are called to live a life of stepping out toward God where we feel He is calling us - even if we've done it before and failed.  We need to do it again!  If it doesn't work, then God will be there to put us in a position to step out again!  God isn't going to continually bless us while we sit in ease, thinking you have no more worries and goals to strive for.  No, if we do that, we may, (without meaning to), get to a point where our relationship with God becomes second-hand, lax, and even a point where we let our relationship with God fall to the way-side.  

For one, living in ease, with a sense of worldly security, isn't  living, and, second, that isn't really showing God that we trust, believe, hope, honor, and love Him.  Yes, God is a God of great abundance and blessing, but we, first, have to be children of great faith and hope in Him.  Therefore, if we feel something pressing on our hearts, and our relationship with God is continually getting stronger and stronger, then I believe we should go for it!! 

Yes, go for it!! 
Take that first huge step of faith!

From there, I believe that God will do the rest.  If stepping out in faith is truly a call from Him, then He will pull us forward further and further every time we take another step.  If it isn't Him, it is easy to realize, as whatever we step out to do will be full of frustration, and an anxious heart - that's when we step back in, and press into God. 

Well?  Are you ready??  I believe and faithfully know that I am!  It is time - today is a new day!  

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