Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A kingdom divided

"... Any kingdom that is divided against itself is being brought to desolation and laid waste, and city or house divided against itself will last or continue to stand." Matthew 12:25 AMP

Please, please, take this verse to heart!  Not only does it go for a kingdom, city, or a family, but it also goes for places of employment, church, any type of a relationship with another, and, most importantly, our individual selves.  We must first stand undivided within our souls, befoe we can stand undivided within a group, family, relationship, etc.  Therefore, you are either in with God, both feet firmly cemented in His Spirit, or your not.  There is no in-between.  We cannot follow Christ for only the easy parts that we choose, but we must follow Him through the hard parts, (not gossiping, tithing, giving, helping others, sickness, hurt, etc.). Although not always fun, choosing to be all in for God will always be fulfilling and blessed.

My friend, if you keep yourself firmly rooted in God, then you can handle any situation that comes your way.  However, if you keep your feet floating off the ground, then the next storm that comes in will eventually overtake you.  So, keep division out of your soul, and out of your life, and let those storms come in - they don't stand a chance when they come to you.

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