Sunday, May 18, 2014

Fortify and strengthen yourself so that you can fortiy and strengthen others.

"...Go, fortify yourself and become strong and give attention to what you must do..." 1 Kings 20:22

Before we ever try to help other, we must - with an emphasis on, MUST - make sure that we are taking care of ourselves; spiritually, mentally, physical, inside-out.  How, or where do you start, you might ask? Easy!  Start with God first, foremost and forever-more.

Yes, seek God, seek His strength, His will, His healing, His power.  Fortify yourself in Him and let Him renew you, heal you, from the inside out.  Then, and only then, will you truly be able to begin to help strengthen others.

So, take care of YOU - yes, Y-O-U,! You are a strong vessel to be used in  furthering the Kingdom of God, but you have to make the time to be revived, uplifted, healed, blessed, and nurtured, and God is the only One to do it.

You are an amazing person! Accept God's favor and healing, and let your rejuvenation become a blessing to many others.

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