Sunday, April 20, 2014


"If the Lord has stirred you up, let Him...but if it is men ...[it won't be blessed] before the Lord... (1 Samuel 26:21)

Ask yourself these question, filling in the blank yourself:
Who, or why, did I make the decision to... (eg.; take the job, marry my spouse, invest in..., buy the..., say those words to..., treat 'so and so' like...)?

So, what are your answers?  Why have you, and do you, make the choices that you make?

Upsettingly, my answers to many of things I've done in life aren't because I was directed the Lord, they were (are; and because I'm not perfect, most likely will be in the future) because of my fleshly, selfish, and/or people-pleasing rationalizations. Wow! Yikes...not good huh?  Now I know why so many things in my life never worked out for my blessing. What about your life?  Have all of your actions been all backed up by God's amazing blessing?

Well, it is OK! I am, we ARE, children of the Most High God, and if we repent for all of our wrong actions, behaviors, and choices, and start asking God first, then our futures can be dramatically different then our pasts.  Yes, God should be the One we run to first, foremost, and always.  

Let's ask Him from here on out, following what He tells us to do! I just know, that I know, that I know that if we do, we will be first-hand witnesses to amazing things to come.

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