Sunday, February 28, 2016

Reading the Word of God

There are so many believers of Christ but have never taken time to read the Bible because at first glance it comes across so complicated, so intense; sometimes dark and dreary, sometimes love and light filled.  Some are afraid that they will have to live a way in which they don't want, and some are afraid that the Bible will prove to them just how awful they are.  These thoughts cannot be further from the truth!  I love the Introduction to The Message; +Eugene Patterson gives this (which is one of many) synopsis of what the Bible does for those that read it:

"... these stories and songs, these prayers and conversations, these sermons and visions, invite us into this large, large world in which the invisible God is behind and involved in everything visible and illuminates what it means to live here - really live, not just get across the street.  As we read, and the longer we read, we begin to "get it" - we are in conversation with God.  We find ourselves listening and answering matters that most concern us; who we are, where we came from, where we are going, what makes us tick, the texture of the world and the communities we live in, and - most of all - the incredible love of God among us, doing for us what we cannot do for ourselves."

The Bible is for all of us! It is a must read for those that call themselves believers in Christ.  Not only will it open your heart even further for the love of God, but it will open your heart wide to the reality of how much you are loved and the price that was paid for you to be here today.  So, if you haven't, open the Bible and read it - front to back.  Not only will it give you amazing insight to yourself and this life of yours, it will give you amazing insight of the eternal future to which you have an open door.

Thank you +Eugene Patterson - author of  +The Message

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