Wednesday, July 8, 2015

You look so beautiful today!!

"Even now the ax is laid to the root of trees, so that every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and cast into the fire." Luke 3:9 AMP

What parts of your life are not producing good fruit?  What parts of your personality are causing  darkness in your heart and soul?  What, if any, part of your environment in which you live, and have control over, needs to be changed and/or removed?  When you go to bed at night, what do you least want to think about, (such as an attitude or trait within yourself; a friend that you need to stay away from; a family member that is bringing you down; the way you treat your spouse; your career choice and ethics, etc.), that you know needs to be changed and/or improved?  Yes, lots of questions, but ones that need to be asked on a consistent basis.  I believe that we need to do whatever it takes to keep any type of darkness, fear, anger, resentment, and the like out of our lives - both internally and externally.  So, join me in making it a daily priority to do so; we can start with baby-steps, and before we know it, those baby steps will turn into giant leaps if our faith is pure in what we want to accomplish. 

Remember, that Jesus died for us so that our lives will be filled with light, and lots of it.  He died so that we could be a light to those around us.  So, before you leave your house today, make a change - even an ever-so-tiny one - to improve your quality of life, and the quality of your heart within.  I believe and know that it's going to make your heart leap with joy, and will make those around you turn and look twice wondering what you've done differently to make you look so beautiful today!

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