Friday, July 24, 2015

Alive from the dead

“… Why do you look for the living among [those who are] dead?” Luke 24:5 AMP

What is dead in your life? What is dragging you down, doing your heart no good, or taking away the joy in your life?  If there is anything, absolutely anything (or anyone), then prayer is a must, and changes are in order.  Now I know that some people and things cannot be removed from your life, but with the power of prayer and the grace of our good God, you can change the way you view and handle them.  So, instead of letting your life be ruled by the dead, (situations, people, addictions, frustrations, etc.), begin to rule the dead by grabbing hold of God; He will turn your hurt into healing, your sadness into joy, your hate into love, and bring what is dead in your life into life that is overflowing with grace, joy and mighty peace of God.

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