Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Purging out the evil

"And I will purge out and separate from among you the rebels and those who transgress against Me..." Ezekiel 20:38

Don't worry, once you've dedicated your life to Christ and have accepted Him into your heart; receiving His salvation, love, grace, and mercy; then, those around you that are full of, and create, evil, anger, dishonor - in essence, darkness - will end up in one of two categories: 
Saved by God's amazing grace - changed, reborn, and full of Jesus,which enhances and strengthens the world around you ; or, removed from your life because their sinful choices have taken them on a path away from God, which takes them far away from you, because the devil and all of his helpers know that when there is one standing strong for Jesus, then him and his group stand not a chance anywhere near.
Be patient, be strong in faith, and know that with God no one stands a chance of taking the joy and blessings out of your life!

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