Sunday, January 26, 2014

Capital 'G'

"...he shall offer without blemish..."(Lev. 1:3,10 & 3:1,6)...your first-fruits [keeping] bruised and crushed grain out of the fresh and fruitful..." (Lev. 2:14)

Does your capital 'G' begin front of the letter o-d, or in front of r-e-e-d? When you give, do you give with your freshest, cleanest, newest fruits, or from what you have left over after you make sure you are taken care of?

I only ask this because I realized this morning that me and my honey are falling behind...quite a bit...yikes! For such a long time I've been thinking that we were being such wonderful, perfect stewards - NOT. 

Last year, instead of focusing on God, I began to focus on our bank account and making it grow even more than it was, rather than focusing on those who may have no bank account to even look at. So, after a moment (or three) of fear, wondering what if this, what if that, what about me me me, I did some praying and then came to amount of what we should be giving in order to receive the FULL blessing of Christ.  Yes, it may be time for us to take another big step of faith and step it up. Yes, it is frightening, but when I think about how it becomes so easy to go off budget to throw out hundreds for things like: going out to dinner, daily fast food stops, a beauty product that 'can' make flat hair full, rid puffy eyes completely, or make all my cellulite disappear (which, by the way, I still have flat hair, puffy eyes, and a few dimples or two - haha. .hee hee hee), then I could figure out how to step it up for God. 

Today, why don't you sit down and look at reality in your giving?  Don't worry, you don't have to make a change unless YOU want to.  If you are not ready, pray about it, and when you are ready, you will :-) -- No pressure, OK!!.

But, I will ASSURE you of this: when you do step it up it won't take long before you will find yourself doing better spiritually, mentally, and financially!! These blessing are God's promises to you, and I stand fully on His promises; His Word!!

God bless !! XO XO  

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